Friday, May 18, 2007

Christmas Cards At The Click Of A Button

Christmas is a time of year that we all enjoy. But, Christmas can also be a stressful time. There are so many things to do! Thank goodness, most stores will gift-wrap for you!

One little job that can be hectic is sending Christmas cards. If you are “organized” like me, you probably have your little list that you pull out each year. People move and addresses change, and the simple task of sending a tiny card in the mail can become a monster!

This is why many people have started sending e-cards. Like e-mail and e-everything-else nowadays, e-cards are sent through the internet, rather than by the old “snail mail.”

You simply choose the card you like, and send it from your e-mail account to another. You don’t need to spend all that time writing addresses and buying stamps and so forth. And, it’s easy to manage your Christmas card list because you can keep it all on your e-mail account, updated and ready to go!

Now, some people might think that sending e-cards is somewhat impersonal. Getting the mail is half the fun, right? Actually, the ease and convenience of e-cards means that you can send MORE Christmas cards. I send e-cards to acquaintances and co-workers who I otherwise might not send a Christmas card to.

I send regular Christmas cards from the store to my family and close friends, and for everyone else I send e-cards. This way I can send a Christmas greeting to everyone!

Besides all that, you can personalize your e-card. There are sites all over the Web where you can find e-cards that are ready-to-send. They allow you to write your own messages, choose a font you like, and some even let you put your own pictures on them.

The Internet offers us many easy ways to keep in touch with the ones we love. E-cards are a quick, convenient and cost-effective way to send your seasons’ greetings!

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Free Christmas Ecard and Free Christmas Ecards

Free Christmas ecards are rivaling their paper counterpart by allowing senders the simplicity, variety, and timeliness of electronic mail to greet their friends and relatives during the holiday season. More and more e-card senders are using free Christmas ecards to send their greetings because of the business of the season. Some free Christmas ecard sites offer multiple sending options for e-cards that allow users to send a free Christmas ecard to many people at once. During the busy Christmas season, sometimes sending Christmas cards is difficult to get around to, especially if using the traditional local mailing service.

Many free Christmas ecard senders like the convenience of electronic cards in order to save time, money and energy during the busiest of all seasons. Rather than have to deal with the hassle of shopping through card shops and greeting card stores, many Internet users have discovered that specialty, free Christmas ecards are located at many, many e-card sites. It has become much easier to sit down at the computer and browse through many free Christmas ecard sites. Finding the perfect, free Christmas ecard is not hard whether you choose a humorous, reflective, inspirational or jollyChristmas card.

Free Christmas ecards also appeal to many card senders because of the personalized features available through many e-card sources. Just as the hard copy Christmas cards allow personalized names and messages, so do free Christmas ecards. A free Christmas ecard takes personalization a step further by offering senders the ability to choose customized e-cards with music, pictures, animation and other attachments. E-card senders even know when and if their targeted recipients receive the free Christmas ecards through return e-mail receipts.

The holiday season can be much less burdensome, more fun and definitely cheaper by sending free Christmas ecards through many online e-card sources. Most e-card recipients love receiving a personalized version of a free Christmas ecard from someone who cared enough to spend time customizing an e-card. The short clip of drama that a free Christmas ecard provides for a recipient is sometimes worth a whole box of paper cards! Free Christmas ecards will be used by more senders this year than ever before to cheer family, friends, co-workers, and anyone in need of a hearty season's greeting! "And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes...For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:7a,11)

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

A Guide To Ecards

A decade ago, we had to rely on snail mail. Whenever there was an occasion – birthday, anniversary, Christmas, Easter -- we had to purchase cards from the bookstore and mail them at the post office. Even if there was no occasion and we just wanted to let someone know we that we were thinking of him and wishing him well, we would do the same thing. But then when the recipient got the message, it may have been too late already, as he had to wait for days or even weeks to get the card. There are even unfortunate times when cards are lost in the mail. But thanks to the Internet, we don’t have to rely on the post office alone to be able to greet our loved ones and send them a card. Thanks to E-cards, our messages are not lost and instead, are delivered safely to the recipients. What’s more, thanks to a wide selection of free E-cards offered by different sites on the Net, we don’t have to pay for the card or even for stamps.

There are truly a lot of sites online which offer a vast array of choices for cards for any occasion. Examples of cards for traditional events are birthday, anniversary, Christmas, Easter, and the like. For extraordinary events, especially during those times when we want to send our support, there are cards with messages such as “congratulations,” “get well soon,” or “good luck.” For everyday cards, there are ones which say “good morning,” “good night,” “have a nice day,” “thinking of you,” “missing you”, and so on. There are also E-cards saying “thank you,” “sorry,” “farewell” and “condolences.” We can also get inspirational and religious E-cards. What’s more, we can also make use of invitation E-cards so we won’t have to deal with the hassles of purchasing or ordering invitations for special occasions and events.

Christmas Greeting Cards: Its Essence and Origin

How do you tell somebody you care? Go to the store, buy a card and let somebody else do the telling for you. Greeting cards are illustrated cards usually featuring a message of greeting or other sentiment. Although greetings cards are usually given on special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas or other holidays, they can also be sent on 'non-occasions' to say 'hello' or 'thank you'.

Though Christmas has been celebrated since the birth of Christ, the first known usage of any Christmas greeting was in an informal letter written by an English admiral in 1699. The same phrase appeared in the first Christmas greeting card, produced in 19th century England. The then relatively new term ‘Merry Christmas’ figured prominently in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol in 1843. The origin of Christmas greeting refers directly to the Christmas holiday and was initially the first greeting used for any holiday in the November–January timeframe. Christmas greetings are popular among Christians and the non-christians alike.

The father of American Christmas cards was award-winning Boston lithographer/inventor Louis Prang, who, in 1873, reproduced a holiday card autographed by Christmas Carol author, Charles Dickens. Perhaps the greatest of Prang's many innovations was the development of a multi-color printing process that incorporated as many as 20 colors on one print or card. Hues and detailing were so vivid that artists were sometimes not able to distinguish their own works from reproduced chromos (chromolithographic prints) when hung side by side on a wall. Taking full advantage of this technology, Prang employed the finest artisans of his day. Card painters included the likes of Frederick S. Church, Arthur F. Tait and Winslow Homer. Poetic geniuses such as Longfellow, Tennyson and William Cullen Bryant were among those hired to write verses.

Do you know where the word ‘Christmas’ sprang from? Christmas is derived from the words ‘Cristes Maesse’, meaning Christ's Mass. It is also sometimes referred to as Xmas. This ‘X’ in the word stands for ‘Xristos’, and means Christ in Greek. Xristos Mass is shortened to Xmas.

Christmas is one event in the calendar which is celebrated around the world in the most varied of ways, with customs and traditions differing from one region to another and celebrations spanning a wide range from deeply religious to festively secular. Christmas around the world makes an interesting study by all odds. Motley of bits and pieces taken from this region and that, every country around the world has developed its own way of celebrating Christmas.

Many people send cards to both close friends and distant acquaintances. The greeting in the card can be personalized and are usually exchanged year after year, the phrase "to be off someone's Christmas card list" is used to indicate a falling out between friends or public figures. Many businesses, particularly smaller local businesses, also send Christmas cards to the people on their customer lists, as a way to develop general goodwill, retain brand awareness and reinforce social networks. These cards are almost always tasteful, and do not attempt to sell a product, limiting themselves to mentioning the name of the business.

Typical content of these Christmas Greeting Cards ranges from truly Christian symbols such as Nativity scenes and the Star of Bethlehem to purely secular references, sometimes humorous, to seasonal weather or common Christmas time activities like shopping and partying.

Many organizations produce special Christmas greeting cards as a fundraising tool; the most famous of these enterprises is probably the UNICEF Christmas card program.

A season full of joy, a holiday brimming with cheer—Christmas uncorks the festive spirits in the hearts of all and sundry in both secular and religious ways. So we all embrace each other—the ones loved and lost and the ones still held close—with all your good wishes and Christmas holiday spirits. And of course you know the warmest expression of this holiday, Christmas, is the Christmas card. Just like giving presents on Christmas, Christmas greetings also occupy a major part of our Christmas celebrations. It’s a different feeling altogether to send and receive cards on Christmas! Warm and snug, as they are, Christmas cards help one express a world of thoughts and feelings to one's loved ones. Research says that as many as two billion Christmas greeting cards are exchanged by Americans every year! Well, that says it all, doesn't it?

Christmas Cards At The Click Of A Button

Christmas is a time of year that we all enjoy. But, Christmas can also be a stressful time. There are so many things to do! Thank goodness, most stores will gift-wrap for you!

One little job that can be hectic is sending Christmas cards. If you are “organized” like me, you probably have your little list that you pull out each year. People move and addresses change, and the simple task of sending a tiny card in the mail can become a monster!

This is why many people have started sending e-cards. Like e-mail and e-everything-else nowadays, e-cards are sent through the internet, rather than by the old “snail mail.”

You simply choose the card you like, and send it from your e-mail account to another. You don’t need to spend all that time writing addresses and buying stamps and so forth. And, it’s easy to manage your Christmas card list because you can keep it all on your e-mail account, updated and ready to go!

Now, some people might think that sending e-cards is somewhat impersonal. Getting the mail is half the fun, right? Actually, the ease and convenience of e-cards means that you can send MORE Christmas cards. I send e-cards to acquaintances and co-workers who I otherwise might not send a Christmas card to.

I send regular Christmas cards from the store to my family and close friends, and for everyone else I send e-cards. This way I can send a Christmas greeting to everyone!

Besides all that, you can personalize your e-card. There are sites all over the Web where you can find e-cards that are ready-to-send. They allow you to write your own messages, choose a font you like, and some even let you put your own pictures on them.

The Internet offers us many easy ways to keep in touch with the ones we love. E-cards are a quick, convenient and cost-effective way to send your seasons’ greetings!